Master's London Dry Gin - 40% - 700ml
A Spanish gin that uses a more contemporary style of production. Triple distilled with juniper, coriander and cardamom, the spirit is then mixed with lemon and oranges that have been macerated for 40 days. This is then distilled together and then diluted with neutral grain spirit and water to 43.9% ABV (That's quite a lot for a gin!). This distillery is where Gin Mare was created, so they have very good pedigree in doing things differently. The use of three different types of citrus in the maceration naturally means that citrus is ever present , nose, palate and finish... it is there. That's not to say it's citrus all the way. Juniper on the nose is balanced by the citrus and oily notes of the dried bitter orange peel. The palate is big citrus but the other botanicals shine through as well. We would recommend East Imperial Burma Tonic and Grapefruit or Lemon for a great G&T.