Ransom Dry Gin - 44% - 750ml
Ransom makes many things in a traditional way, as they try to keep older tastes relevant. Ransom Dry Gin uses a distillate of 3 grains to try and recreate the malty and hoppy characters of old Dutch genevers. The hops are local, as is the Oregon Marionberry (a cultivated blackberry) and caraway seeds. Speaking of traditional, they use a wood fired alembic still. This all gives the gin a mix of old Dutch style genevers and gins with Oregon provance. Hops and white flowers open up to the base notes of berries and juniper. The rich palate has punches of exotic spices of coriander and cardamom, mixed with citrus. Rich on the finish with lots of viscosity, long and malty. We would recommend East Imperial Burma Tonic, garnished with Lemon for a great G&T.